The company Of panasonic presented on the exhibition CES 2010 at the beginning of January six new digital cameras Of lumix. But now became known the cost of novelties. 12 Megapixels the model Of lumix FH1 with the function of the record by video 720p will cost $159,95, 14,1 Megapixels Of lumix FH3, which also can write video 720p, $179,95, and Lumix FH20 (14,1 Megapixels, 720p) – $199,95. Thin compacts with the zoom lens, build it the housing, Lumix FP1 Lumix FP3, can be will be acquired for $149,95 and $229,95 respectively. Lumix FP1- this 12,1 Megapixels camera, while Lumix FP3 – 14,1 Megapixels, both of them make it possible to write video of high clearness in size 720p.
One additional inexpensive novelty, represented in CES, this Lumix F3. It is 12,1 Megapixels camera with the 2,7- one inch display and the function of the record by video 720p. It will cost only $129,95. And finally even simpler and cheaper camera the company Of panasonic announced recently – this is 10,1 Megapixels Of lumix F2. Its price will not exceed $109,95. All seven novelties will be put on the market in the middle of February.

panasonic cameras

panasonic cameras

panasonic cameras

panasonic cameras

panasonic cameras