Everyone's going crazy over the iPhone ever since it was announced. It looks really cool and that new touch screen interface is what impresses me the most.
When it comes to mobile phones though, I'm really a Nokia kind of person. You could say I'm loyal to the brand now after using it so long. Because I'm no technology expert, my reasons for picking and sticking with Nokia were simple.
1) It was the first mobile phone that I ever owned.
2) Its interface was easy to use.
3) Compared to other phones, it's SMS interface was the easiest and fastest to use.

Reason 3 is the key reason for my preference for Nokia phones. I used a Motorola phone for a while and I tell you, their SMS interface sucked big time.
Anyway, I was surfing through Digg as usual and I found out about the new Nokia Aeon. And I must say, it looks damn good.

nokia phones
It's still a concept and undergoing research and development though, so there's nothing definite for now. But if it does get released, you can be sure I'll be getting one.