6. Changes in public perception
5. Demographic changes
4. Industry market and structures
3. Process needs
2. Incongruities
1. The unexpected
One of the most successful innovations -the Sony Walkman demonstrates several of these principles.
The Sony Walkman was originally designed as a music player for couples, based on Akio Morita's observation of teenagers lugging their radios with them on vacations (an incongruity) and came equipped with two headphone jacks and a recording facility. It even had a "hotline" button, partially overriding the sound from the cassette and allowing one user to talk to the other over the music.
Of course, nobody really used it like that and Sony was quick to see that most people used it as a personal, portable music player (unexpected) and redesigned it accordingly.
What are the incongruous and unexpected events and behaviours in your market? And what are the tools you can use to find and use them?
Thanks to Antonella Pavese for writing about Drucker's seven sources in her excellent blog on women, technology and happiness.

Here’s one to watch: recall the beginning of the month when Sony briefly outsold Apple’s iPod with its Walkman in Japan, and just how widely that news spread? We’re wondering if this nugget will spread as fast...
Sure, it was significant as it represented the first time in four years Sony had grown a sales lead on its rival, but as we predicted Sony’s little home turf advantage has evaporated already, following Apple’s introduction of the new iPod range, according to BCN.
Apple’s iPod market share shot up to 58 per cent in the week ending September 13, far and away ahead of Sony with 32.1 per cent.
Its a big change - Sony held 47.4 per cent the previous week, compared to Apple’s then 37.1 per cent, Bloomberg informs.
Naturally, we’re suspicious on these statistics because they don’t include iPhone (which is also an iPod) sales though how the total Japanese market for music playing devices including phones shapes up hasn’t yet been revealed by BCN.
Apple has sold near 225 million iPods worldwide since the device launched in 2001. Half of all new iPods sold go to customers who have not previously purchased an Apple music player.
It boasts 100 million iTunes accounts and has shifted 8.5 billion songs so far. Between Jan 6, 2009 and July 21, 2009 the service sold 2 billion songs. That’s interesting when you consider it took Apple between April 28 2003 and January 10, 2007 to sell the first two billion.
Apple says it has 73.8 per cent of the MP3 player market, followed by 18 per cent held by "other", SanDisk at 7.2 per cent and Microsoft at 1.1 per cent share.
Sales of portable music players in Japan fell by 13.5 per cent in August from a year earliernew sony walkman

Sony new NW-A800 MP3 & video player feautures a two inch LCD screen with 30 hours battery life for music and 8 hours for video with 2GB to 8GB capacity. It’s a Flash-based player that seems one of the competitor to the iPod Nano than the iPod prope. You can buy music from sony connect music download store alike Apple itunes. Sony’s NW-A800 will be available in Europe in April. Sony WALKMAN NW-E010 series available in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB capacities and measures just 82.9 x 22.4 x 13.6mm. These MP3 players are available in violet, blue, pink, gold, or black.
Sony has launched its new portable digital MP3 player, the Sony Walkman S700, which offers reduced background noise using unique noise cancellation function and features integrated five-band equalizer, FM Tuner and direct recording capability.
The new Sony Walkman S700 series comes with a noise-canceling function which literally cuts down background noise by reducing the ambient noise by 75% (about 12dB at 200 Hz) while not canceling all the ambient noise.
In addition, each headphone features a built-in microphone that detects ambient noise which is then cancelled out by the opposite sound waves it creates, reducing the ambient noise by 75% (about 12dB at 200Hz). Sony claims that the Walkman S700 series delivers the highest sound quality in Walkman history due to this unique integrated noise cancellation technology.
New Sony Walkman S700 portable digital media player comes in 4-GB/2-GB and 1-GB storage space (flash memory) and it features three line color OLED display, FM Tuner and direct recording from external audio source like portable CD player or MD player etc, without requiring computer. It also allows recording from Computer in traditional file transfer way. The OEL color display allows browsing the cover art from the album in colour.
The direct recording from external audio source is recorded in PCM or ATRAC3Plus audio format.
The Sony Walkman S700 series MP3 player is capable of playing most of the popular audio files including MP3, ATRAC, ATRAC Advanced Lossless, Linear PCM and AAC, WMA sans DRM and WAV files.
In addition to this, Sony Walkman S700 also offers enhanced stereo technology which substantially enhances the audio quality without allowing sound leak from the left-hand channel into the right hand one and vice versa. With Clear Bass technology, this MP3 player lets you enjoy clear and firm bass.
Sony Walkman NW-S700 MP3 Player
The Sony Walkman S700 seriese player also features a quick 3-minute charge for 3-hours of playback or a 2-hour full-charge for up to 50-hours playback.
Sony Walkman S700 portable MP3 player is available in India with choice of 3 colours: violet, black and pink, for Rs. 11,900 for 1-GB storage, Rs. 13,900 for 2-GB storage and Rs. 17,900 for 4-GB flash memory storage. Visit www.sony.co.in for more details.